
System Overview

One of the important iNEWS features that supports the director during a show is the iNEWS Showtiming clock. This clock keeps track of all the time limits of the show and displays them within the iNEWS toolbar.

This toolbar is very small and, of course, only available on PCs where the iNEWS client is installed on. As of these disadvantages there is no easy way to keep the whole gallery or the studio informed about the actual show times.

Thats where the ClockManager comes into play. The ClockManger makes it possible to open a Showtiming clock in a dedicated desktop window. This window is called the ClockClient. When opening the ClockClient a show can be choosen for which the clocks should be displayed. If the director starts Showtiming on this show the ClockClient displays the Showtiming clocks. As the ClockClient is independent of the iNEWS client it can run on all computers within your iNEWS client network.


Rundown Monitoring
iNEWS Connection


The ClockManager is a software for making Showtiming clocks available to the whole production team. The ClockManager is utilized in the following way:

  1. The user opens a ClockClient window on a client PC. To see the times for a show she has to connect to a ClockServer.

  2. The ClockClient connects to the ClockServer via Java RMI and displays a list with all the shows that can be timed.

  3. Now the user can choose a show from this list.

  4. If a show is chosen the ClockClient registers itself to the ClockServer as a listener for this show and gets updated by ClockServer for changes of the clocks.

ClockManager System Overview

System Requirements




ClockManager Live

ClockManager 1.0

ClockManager 1.1

ClockManager 1.2

Some of the following links are restricted to specific users. Read the overview on page Welcome who has which permissions.

Bugs & Features





These broadcasters already use the ClockManager:

Andreas Hartmann 24.05.2007 10:24