Table of Contents



To get your first impressions with ClockManager we recommend to try the ClockManager Live demo version. This version works as a fully featured system for one particular rundown and limited to 10 minutes per start.

If you like the software, feel free to download and install ClockServer and ClockClient.

Both ClockServer packages (Windows and Linux) below contain no license file. Therefore this software won't run out of the box.1)

You have to:

  1. Download and install the ClockServer as described below.

  2. Simply write a message for retrieving a temporary license file with registration form below. The evaluation period starts with requesting this license and has a duration of 60 days. You can ask for more than one licenses at the same time or one after the other. Remark that we will not serve multiple evaluation periods without any reason.

  3. Copy your license file into your ClockServer working directory.

  4. Run the ClockServer as described in the User Manual.

:!: You are not allowed to redistribute your license file!

Registration Form

Bold fields are required. The license file will be sent to this email address.

<FORM NEXT:“downloads:clockmanager”> Textbox name “Company” 200; Textbox mail “Mail address” 200; Textarea comments “Comments” 4 320; Constraint name “Min. 3 chars!” minLength=“3”; Constraint mail “Not a valid email address” valueType=“eMail”; Submit “Register” 200; </FORM>


Live Demo

With this Live system you can easily and savely test the ClockManager functionality. You don't need a full ClockServer and ClockClient system.

Just start the program - no installation, no preconfiguration, no system change.

ClockManager Live as a .zip file.

ClockManager Live as a CD-ROM ISO.

ClockManager 1.0.0


ClockServer 1.0.0 for Linux

ClockClient 1.0.0 for Linux


ClockServer 1.0.0 for Windows

ClockClient 1.0.0 for Windows

ClockManager 1.2.1


ClockServer 1.2.1 for Linux

ClockClient 1.2.1 for Linux


ClockServer 1.2.1 for Windows

ClockClient 1.2.1 for Windows


Other Docs

Product Overview

User Manual

User Manual 1.0

Release Notes 1.1

Release Notes 1.2

Installation instructions







1) The ClockClients on the other hand don't need a license file. You can download, install and use the client software on as many machines as you want.